eBikeLabs is a young startup created in spring 2015, which is specialized in software developments for electric bikes (embedded systems, web service, smartphone app) and light electric vehicles in general.
eBikeMaps is the first brick of the project: a trip planification tool for light electric vehicles, in particular electric bikes. We first started to develop eBikeMaps for ourselves, as eBike users around our location (Grenoble, France), before developing an advanced version in order to offer the eBike community a complete tool to plan their trips, test and compare eBikes performances and share their opinions.
We are also working on an assistance controller, eBikeCortex, which brings intelligence in terms of energy optimization and riding comfort. Our third brick, eBikeNavigation, is a smartphone application connected to the eBikeCortex as well as the eBikeMaps account, which will allow real-time trip planning and obtain information on the trip feasibility, the travel time, etc.
The goal of eBikeLabs, thanks to these three bricks, is to propose a guarantee to arrive at destination. We believe it is an unconditional functionality for the future development of light electric vehicles.